I was working in a large multi-national networking
company, where in my particular group, code reviews
were conducted over email, in a similar manner to
what is done on the Linux kernel mailing list.
People submitted proposed changes in an email to a
group address, nominated a particular reviewer, who
then sent their comments back as a reply with their
comments inline.
For the purposes of reviewing small changes, this
process seemed to work quite well. Our group then
received a series of seminars in regards to
performing effective code inspections,
which was a highly formalised process involving
significant preparation time, sit-down meetings and
formal roles, such as author, reviewer, and
recorder. This sounded highly promising, but the
huge amount of up-front work tended to turn people
off the process. When the process was used, we
found a number of defects that most likely would
have been missed in an informal email review, and
would have surfaced later as a defect discovered at
a customer site.
Later, I joined a startup company, where a lot of
new code was being written. We also used email
initially for the purposes of code reviewing,
however this had a number of limitations. As
before, I found I constantly had to refer to the
existing source code files to understand the context
of the changes. In addition, I found that once more
than one person was performing a review of a
proposed change, it became cumbersome to merge their
comments together. Also, the reviewers were unaware
of their colleague's comments until they sent their
email, which could result in duplicate work.
Codestriker was born to fill this gap back in
December 2001, when version 1.0 was released on
SourceForge. Because it was a quick-and-dirty
concept, I wrote a simple single-file CGI Perl
script, which accepted a text file which constituted
the review (usually the output from cvs diff
-uN), sent notification emails to the reviewers
indicating they had a review to do. The reviewers
saw a page displaying the text file, where each line
had a hyperlink allowing them to add a comment to
it. Any comments submitted were sent by email to
the author and the reviewers. The list of comments
already made were also displayed at the bottom of
the page, and a line which already had a comment had
a red hyperlink. No database was involved, data was
recorded using simple files. The most important
thing was the process was still light-weight enough
that nobody was put off by a slightly more
structured process.
Eventually, the single-file script kept growing to
include the coloured display of diff files, and
integration with CVS so that changes could be more
readily understood within the context of the whole
file. More and more features became available,
including the use of a database for persistence, and
Codestriker eventually became the modularised Perl
web application that it is today.
The last few releases of Codestriker have made it
acceptable for use in both light-weight review
processes, and for formal inspection processes.