The topic list screen is used for displaying a list of code review topics, which contain the topic's title, author, reviewers, cc, creation date, links to the bugs it fixes, and its state. The email address for the author, reviewers and cc fields are shortened for brevity reasons. The links from the bug ids will take you to the bug tracking system (currently, only Bugzilla is supported) for more information on that specific bug. A topic can be in one of the following states:
This is the initial state of the topic, and indicates it is still open for reviewing.
Closed indicates that the review is no longer relevant, or invalid. A reviewer might decide that a review posted is fixing a problem in the wrong way, and after adding a comment, closes the review off.
Committed indicates that all the comments posted to the review have been addressed, and that the source code has been committed into the SCM system.
Obsoleted indicates that the topic has been superseeded by another topic.
To view a specific topic, click on its title. This will take you to the view topic page, which is covered in Section 3.5.1. From the "topic list" screen, it is possible to change the state of many topics in one action, by selected the checkboxes next to the topics of interest, and pressing the "Update" button with the state dropdown selected to the desired state. If topic deletion functionality has been enabled, topics can be deleted by clicking on the individual topic, and then deleting it. Generally speaking, topics are only deleted if the wrong content was posted by mistake. It is useful to maintain all historical topics in the Codestriker database, as they can be searched over in the future, which is covered in Section 3.9.